Balfour Aralia, also known as Polyscias balfouriana, is a lovely foliage plant with gorgeous leathery leaves. Though it’s a little difficult to come by in the horticulture market, it’s a great indoor plant that doesn’t take much care. Originally from the Pacific’s tropical regions, it can be cultivated in a bright, slightly humid spot near a sun-exposed window where it gets lots of indirect sunlight in the morning.

The plant is known for its round, leathery, dark green leaves that resemble dinner plates, earning it the common name Dinner Plate Aralia. Balfour Aralia variegated variants with gold and white leaf edges are also available.

It can reach a height of 12 feet or more in its home climate, but it takes several years to reach that size. It grows slowly indoors and can be readily pruned and trimmed to maintain the appropriate shape. Balfour Aralia, in fact, is a fantastic bonsai topic.

For offices and houses, Dinner Plate Aralia is the greatest indoor plant. It performs admirably in dim or artificial lighting. It can withstand both the winter and summer seasons. It has been proven to be one of the most beneficial alien plants.

How to Grow Aralia Balfouriana

Well-drained soil and the administration of nitrogen-rich fertilizer on a regular basis are beneficial to Balfour Aralia. When the plant is overwatered, it is prone to root rot, so it is best to skip a portion of the watering.

Make sure your plant gets at least 2-3 hours of indirect morning light for better growth. It’s also a good idea to give the leaves a good shower to keep them clean.

An Aralia Balfour Stump, according to feng shui, brings love, energy, and calmness into space. The leaves on this shrub-like tree plant are maroon on the undersides and dark green on top, creating a lovely contrast.

The Aralia Balfour stump is exceptional since it practically begs you to water it! You should only give it enough water to keep it from wilting, and only water it when it appears thirsty.

It’s tough to say how often you should water your Aralia Stump because it varies so much depending on its size and how much direct sunlight it receives.

Balfour aralia propagation

Planting various forms of cuttings, as well as traditional seed sowing, are used for the propagation of Aralia plants.

  1. If you want to cultivate aralia from seed, collect seeds from your own aralia plant or buy them. In the fall or spring, sow the seeds in your garden.
  2. In the summer, use the top 10 inches of an aralia plant to take softwood, or green-tip, cuttings. Transfer the plant to your garden or a different pot as it becomes larger.
  3. Next you need to dig up a section of the plant’s root system to transplant an aralia’s sucker growths or shoots.
  4. Trim 8-inch stems diagonally just below a few fresh leaf buds and put them in a small pot of moist, sandy soil.

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