Syngonium podophyllum is another name for the Nephthytis plant, which is endemic to tropical Central and South America. Because all of those names can be confusing, please provide a photo for identification. The names given to indoor house plants vary widely depending on where you reside.

Arrowhead Plant, Elephant Ear Plant, Nephthytis White Butterfly Plant, and Goosefoot Plant are all common names for Nephthytis. They’re common houseplants that should be kept away from pets because they’re harmful. If you have sensitive skin, wear gloves to prevent the Nephthytis plant sap from irritating it. These perennial plants are native to tropical America and are widely grown as indoor houseplants because of their arrow-shaped, variegated leaves. Nephthytis plants are slow-growing and climbers that will live a long period in a container. In fact, Arrowhead Plants are exceptionally robust and can withstand even the worst conditions.


As long as it is kept in a bright light environment, Nephthytis is a simple plant to care for and thrive. It can handle lower light levels, but be cautious that in low light, it will become thin, weak, and leggy. Because direct, scorching sunshine might scorch the plant’s leaves or fade the variegation, it’s better to place it in a north-facing window.


Water the plant until the soil is saturated. Before watering the soil again, wait until the top layer is completely dry. When water is needed, the plant begins to droop, but once hydrated, it will perk up. Root rot, which can destroy the Nephthytis, can be caused by overwatering.


Nephthytis should be kept at temperatures above 15°C.


Once a month, fertilize your Arrowhead Plant with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer (30-10-20). Feeding should be reduced in the fall and winter.


For your arrowhead plant, choose loose, loamy soil that is rich in organic materials. Commercial potting soil is an excellent option. To help drainage, choose a mixture that includes peat moss or perlite.

How to Take Care of a Nepthytis

This slow-growing tropical vine can be used as a potted or hanging plant, and it can usually withstand considerable neglect in its care. Stem cuttings from an established and robust Nephthytis are usually easy to reproduce. Despite the fact that it is a low-maintenance plant, Nephthytis can grow with proper care.

Plant the Nephthytis in a well-drained pot with organic-rich soil. Plants with green leaves should be kept in medium or low light, while those with pink, burgundy or white foliage should be kept in bright, indirect light; direct sunlight will bleach the leaves.

Soak the plant in water until the soil is completely wet. Before watering the soil again, wait until the top layer is completely dry. When water is needed, the plant begins to droop, but once hydrated, it will perk up. Root rot, which can destroy the Nephthytis, can be caused by overwatering.

Maintain a temperature of 60 to 75 degrees around the plant. Place the plant away from fires and hot air vents. Nephthytis, whether potted or hanging, can be left outside in warm weather and brought inside when the temperature drops below 40 degrees. Nephthytis can withstand near-freezing temperatures outside, although it thrives in warmer areas or as a houseplant.

During the plant’s active growing season, which is usually in the spring and summer, fertilize it every two weeks with regular houseplant food. Half the recommended feeding strength is used. During the fall and winter, reduce feeding to once a month.

Wear gloves to protect your skin from the Nephthytis sap. To preserve the plant in a bushy form, prune the trailing vines back with a clean, sharp pair of pruning shears. Cut all long runners from Nephthytis in hanging baskets (there should be approximately 5 or 6 of them) to keep the middle full.

Regularly inspect the plant for pests such as scale, mealybugs, and spider mites. Mealybugs resemble cotton swaths, whereas scale resembles little brown lumps that appear to move. Powdery mildew is caused by both pests secreting a sticky fluid called honeydew. Scale can be treated by wiping away the brown lumps and using neem oil. To trap flying adult male mealy bugs, use insecticidal soaps or horticultural oils on the plant and yellow sticky cards in the region. Spider mites might be difficult to spot because they look like webbing between the leaves or small red dots. Insecticidal soaps or horticultural oils can be used to kill spider mites.


If consumed by dogs or people, the nephthytis plant can irritate the skin and be poisonous. Make sure that you keep the plant out of children’s reach.

Do you have any queries about how to care for your Nephthytis houseplant? Please read this information on watering your indoor houseplants, how to maintain your houseplant’s root system healthy, lighting for your houseplants, and basic houseplant care before sending a houseplant inquiry. These are the most critical for the health of your houseplant, and I’ll refer you to them if you send me an email. Working in the interior landscape sector, I receive a lot of inquiries regarding people’s own inside house plants and how to keep them thriving and healthy. That is why I created this website to assist others in learning how to properly care for their indoor plants and flowers. It will be beneficial to have a lot of light and a lot of humidity. In low light, Nephthytis home plants will become thin, weak, pale, short, and leggy. A location with bright, indirect light, such as close to a window, is good. It’s acceptable to catch some early morning light, but avoid the hot midday sun. Showering with room temperature water on a regular basis is beneficial to Nephthytis, as it helps to enhance humidity and repel insects. Nephthytis should be kept at temperatures above 60°F. It is not a plant that should be exposed to freezing weather.

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